Handing out fruit baskets

Every year brothers of Liverpool Syracuse #501 visits our senior brothers. This year was a special recognition of 60 years of service and support to Brother and Past Master (1977) Richard Ward.  Congratulations for your dedicated support Richard!

A Fun Time By All

Brethren of Liverpool Syracuse Masonic Lodge aid Liverpool American Legion Post 188 at the annual village tree lighting and festivity in Johnson Park.

Veterans & Sojourners 2022

Liverpool Syracuse Honors their Veterans & Sojourners.

70 Years
William G. Crabb
65 Years
William J. Kornbluth, Jr.
60 Years
Lee I. Fetterly Johnnie E. Keener R.’.W.’. Richard J. Ward, Sr.
55 Years
Paul J. Altenburg John Geis, Jr. Richard A. Martin
50 Years
Robert P. Gale James L. Kiser Bernard P. Yacovella
40 years
Owen J. Phillips V.’.W.’. Robert M. Tyrrell
35 years
R.’. W.’. Gary L. Heinmiller
30 years
W.’. Norman H. Gauthier Paul A. Spencer
25 years
Jeffery A. Hook W.’. Leonard J. Jensen W.’. William C. Schuetz
15 years
Drew V. D’Angelo
10 years
Michael J. Hoff Matthew D. Sejuit Blake A. Stillwell
5 years
Allen E. Barth Jeffery S. Jackson Christopher B. Judkins
Timothy J. Kiser Safet Mesanovic

A Great Fun Day!

Liverpool Syracuse Lodge did not let the rain ruin the Easter Egg Hunt. We moved it inside and the children received their eggs and prizes along with hot dogs, popcorn, hot chocolate, and punch. The Easter Bunny kept them hopping and dancing to the music. A special thanks goes out to the Lions Club for their free eye screening station. Five children were found with some eye irregularities and parents were given the eye picture to take to their optometrist. Special thanks also go out to the Bal-On-Sen Triangle #65 girls.

Easter Egg Hunt April 16th

All children are welcome.
Zero cost. – Free Fun!!!
Raffles, Hotdogs, Easter bunny, and More.
Toy Eggs are limited
No pre-registration is required.
Easter egg hunt times are as follows:
9:30 AM for children ages 0-5 yrs old
10:00 AM for children ages 0 – 11 yrs old
10:30 AM for children of all ages
Times are approximate
Children need to be in Johnston Park across from the lodge building at time of Hunts. Toys are limited to on hand toys. Any Questions please feel free to ask.


To our seven entered apprentices who have knocked at the door of Free Masonry.
This is an exciting time for them and the lodge. 


Liverpool Syracuse is very excited to announce the unanimous ballot on our six candidates to start their Masonic journey. They will be taking their first degree on Feb 21st. Lets have a good showing to welcome these men to our Great Fraternity.

Exciting News!

On January 18 Liverpool Syracuse #501 had five petitions read for membership. If found favorable by the investigating committee at our next communication, they will be ballot on.