I was fortunate enough to stumble upon an interesting discussion on the Internet.  I believe that this topic is near and dear to all of our hearts.  I urge you to ask yourself the following question:

What have you done to help your lodge recently?

A lodge is only as sound and strong as its members. If you feel that it is not been up to your standard what have you done to make it better? If every brother put in just an ashlar a month the lodge would be a cathedral.

When you first knocked on the door of Masonry, it was opened to you.

We often hear excuses and comments about obligations and commitments occurring during the meeting nights.  Your involvement in the fraternity does not have to begin or end with attending the meetings.  There are many tasks and programs that need ample help in organizing and volunteering.  These tasks can be done on your schedule and do not require much time.  

If you would like to lend a hand and help keep our wonderful fraternity moving forward in a positive direction, please feel free to contact me at KRazawich@gmail.com.  I look forward to hearing your responses!


W .’. Kevin Razawich