Greetings from the east my brothers. This is a very exciting time for our Lodge as we will be kicking off new programs and tools to provide information, which will position us for success in the coming year and beyond.

Special thanks goes out to Senior Warden Kevin Razowich for his exhaustive redesign of our website. We receive many visitors on our site, and moving forward this will be our main resource for potential petitioners to learn about us and petition our lodge for membership. The home page now has a video message that plays automatically to every visitor. My hope is that this will make our home page more dynamic, and it will be updated often to inform visitors of what we are doing in the community. If you haven’t visited our site yet we encourage you to explore….

In October we will kick off a new effort to recruit and retain brothers for our Lodge. We will introduce the new website, new marketing materials, and a new viral marketing campaign. We will also be introducing our involvement in the Mark Twain Award competition and what we hope to achieve. This effort will be this years’ main focus, to rebuild our membership and improve lodge attendance. I humbly ask that each brother take it upon himself to become involved in this effort. We need strong work in the quarries to rebuild our temple….If there ever was a time to step up, this is it. Please make every effort to attend lodge and become involved. The future of your lodge depends on it.

We are at a crucial point in our history as a Fraternity. It is up to us to reinvent our approach to the craft, modernize our public relations efforts, and further tradition by updating our recruitment methods. If you get involved, I promise you a lot of fun and great results. This is our chance to become a lodge that can lead Masonry into the 21st Century.