Our “Recruitment and Retention” campaign is in full swing and we are beginning to see some results. It looks like we will have as many as twelve candidates to put through the first degree in December. If you haven’t been to lodge in a while, we could really use your help. It is great to be able to have this many new brothers come in, and we want to have enough Masons to put on a spectacular degree.

Our lodge kicked off our retention campaign with a lively, open discussion in lodge. A special committee was formed to recommend changes in our retention practices to keep new brothers coming back, and to get existing brothers to come back again. This committee will report at our next meeting and we will adopt new methods of dealing with our newest brothers. We are excited about experimenting with change and improving our membership retention. We must also recognize that new ideas don’t mean much if they are not implemented and executed with enthusiasm and responsibility.

I am still asking our members to distribute our campaign materials around the community and the Central New York area. If you need more materials please feel free to call me. I would be happy to put together more materials for whatever you may need. If you were not at the recruitment meeting and would like to become a part of the effort please call me and I will get a materials package out to you. Remember ….this is a viral campaign….no billboards, TV or radio. It is up to each of us to do our part to get the materials in front of the public. We hope the campaign will drive interested parties to the website where they can view our video, learn more about the fraternity and our lodge, and even download a petition for membership.

Look to our website for updates and news. It is totally redesigned for easier access and better navigation. We have a great web presence for those seeking out information on Masonry and also a great resource for our members. Please visit our online home at www.syracusemansons.com or our interesting historical website at www.omdhs.syracusemasons.com.

This is a year of change at our lodge. If we all participate with an open mind, a passion for innovation, and the enthusiasm we all felt when we became new Masons…success is inevitable. Although change can be daunting, it is long in coming and badly needed. Let us be the Masons who take responsibility, lead with the needed changes, and keep the Fraternity thriving into the 21st Century.