Spring arrived at last, at least the weather has become moderate. The Sun and still air was a welcome respite from the erratic chill of the previous months. The white-clothed tables, with just the right amount of glasses and silver and a complimentary
bottle of wine were set at each place. The large picture windows look out at the blue expanse of Seneca Lake.
The occasion was a gathering of Nobles and their Ladies at Belhurst Castle in the Finger Lakes. Potentates from Tigris, Damacus, Mecca, Cyprus and Ziyara Shrines were among many visiting dignitaries in attendance, along with Ladies of the Iderim Temple and Eastern Star.
Also among the attendees was a contingent of Brothers from Liverpool Syracuse Lodge No. 501 who were privileged to serve as an honorary escort for Illustrious Sir Efrain ‘Frank’ Rosa and his Lady Elba.
Brothers present were:
of course . . . Frank Rosa and his Lady Elba
R.’.W.’. Bil ‘dizzy feet’ Vassily
R.’.W.’. Gary Heinmiller
W.’. Bob Bowles
W.’. Lew Paradise
W.’. Bob Tyrrell
W.’. Bill Schuetz [and his sister Barbara, a past Queen of Iderim Temple]
Bro. Paul Altenburg [Past Potentate] and his Lady Pat
Bro. Dave Depan
Bro. Leroy Forbes and his Lady Karen
Bro. Dennis Lagoe, Sr.
Bro. Tai Shaw Ngo
The Brothers of Liverpool Syracuse Lodge wish to extend to Bro. Frank and Lady Elba and the Nobles of the Tigris Shrine our Best Wishes for a Successful and Enjoyable year.