Fraternal Greetings my Brothers!
Liverpool Syracuse Lodge would like to offer our congratulations to Lynwood Bennerson from Fayetteville-Central City Lodge for receiving his Honorary 33rd Degree from the Scottish Rite. Additionally, W.’. Robert M. Tyrell will be receiving the 33rd Degree at a White Hat dinner in October 2011 along with RW.’. Richard J. Powell of Morning Star Lodge No. 524. Congratulations to each of you as this is quite an achievement.
Our Veterans and Sojourner’s meeting was held on September 20th. We had a wonderful cook out style dinner to commemorate the end of a beautiful summer and to celebrate those brothers who have dedicated many years of membership to this fine fraternity. As we look forward to the rest of October, we held a Second Degree on October 4th for six Entered Apprentices. I encourage all of you Brothers to make an effort to support our incoming brothers as they make there way though the degrees. If you can’t attend the meeting, be sure and send a letter or note of your support along with some kind words to us so that we may read them to the new Brothers. Our Official Visit will be held on October 18th. I encourage those Brothers who can attend to be there.
This year, we have been working hand in hand with brothers both new and old. In between degrees we have been offering educational classes to go over not only what transpired during the degrees, but also to instruct them on some of the etiquette and protocols that we observe during normal meetings. If you would like to attend or participate in these classes, please let us know, as we would be happy to have you.
We are looking at quite an exciting year ahead of us, as we currently have 14 new petitioners who are getting duly and truly prepared to receive Light in Masonry by obtaining their First Degree this coming December. If any Brother would like to help by taking on a small part in the degree – please contact us and express interest. Our Brothers would be more than happy to work with you and support you as you learn some of the parts in the degree. The only requirement is an enthusiasm to want to receive more Light in Masonry and a positive attitude.
Our membership committee is working diligently to track down those Brothers who are in danger of being dropped for non-payment of dues. If you are in arrears and/or in danger of being dropped, please make an effort to contact us and let us know. Thank you to those who have kept their dues current; for those still owing, please send your check in before the new ones arrive. I look forward to seeing you all in Lodge.
Stay tuned for further updates here in The Word. Also, check us out on the web at You can also find instant updates on what is going on in the Lodge by checking out our Facebook page which can be accessed directly off our website or by going to There are also many interesting new pages on our companion Historical website at These articles can be found in the Masonic History section of the site. Two new compilations are in the works and will be appearing in shortly, one on ‘New York Freemasons in the War of 1812’ [50+ pages] and another on ‘New York Loyalist Freemasons’ [150+ pages].
W.’. Kevin L. Razawich