First off, I’d like to thank my Senior Warden Norm Kruth for stepping up and being the Master of the Lodge while my wife and I were on vacation at the ocean. It’s my understanding that everything went well.
The Veterans and Sojourners program will be October 6. All are welcome. Cocktails will be at 6 p.m. and dinner is at 7 p.m. The meeting will follow; our guest speaker for the evening will be RW Charles Catapano, Grand Treasurer.
Up-and-coming in the year we will have a Thanksgiving dinner on Monday, November 17, mostly to say thanks to the ladies who support us. Social hour begins at 6 p.m., dinner is at 7 and the meeting follows.
I have a very exciting year planned for us. And that includes any Brother who would like to visit Liverpool Lodge.
See you from the East.
Bill Schuetz