Happy St. Lucia’s Day

Did you Know?
Celebrated in Sweden, Norway, and Swedish-speaking parts of Finland, St. Lucia’s Day takes place on Dec. 13, in honor of St. Lucia, an early Christian martyr who was killed by the Romans in 304 A.D. The festival includes the selection of a girl to represent St. Lucia, who then walks at the head of a procession through the town, singing traditional songs. The holiday is also celebrated in parts of Italy, where St. Lucia is considered the patron saint of Syracuse in Sicily.

St. Nicholas Day

Holiday trivia :
Celebrating the Christian saint who sold everything he owned to give money to the poor, St. Nicholas Day, also known as the Feast of St. Nicholas, is observed on Dec. 6 and is celebrated throughout much of northern Europe. Traditions include leaving small gifts and treats in shoes. While still considered a different entity than our modern-day Santa Claus, many of the traditions of Santa originated with the legends of St. Nicholas.


We are always thankful for the blessings bestowed upon us.
There is always something to be thankful for, remember it.
Have a joyous day remembering.

Liverpool-Syracuse Lodge offers congratulations

Liverpool-Syracuse Lodge offers congratulations to Central City Riverside #70 Royal Arch Masons for giving 200 years to the craft and community. This event is open to the public and you all are welcome to witness the rededication. You also are invited to the Luncheon program. Paid reservations in advance a must.