Bal – on – Sen Triangle’s

If you’re looking for a wonderful organization for young girls, look no further! This group is always eager to lend a helping hand to events such as the annual Easter Egg Hunt of the Liverpool Syracuse No.501 Masonic Lodge. We encourage you to show your support by attending their events and learning more about their mission.

Easter Egg Hunt April 8 2023

Raffles, Hotdogs, Easter bunny, and More.
Toy Eggs are limited
No pre-registration is required.
Easter egg hunt times are as follows:
9:30 AM for children ages 0-5 yrs old
10:00 AM for children ages 0 – 11 yrs old
10:30 AM for children of all ages
Times are approximate
Children need to be in Johnston Park across from the lodge building at time of Hunts. Toys are limited to on hand toys. Any Questions please feel free to ask.

Merry Christmas

A quote from our Brother Norman Vincent Peals, preacher, author, guidepost magazine founder and Free Mason.
“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold everything is softer and more beautiful”
Brother Peal “ truly believe that if we keep telling the Christmas story, singing the Christmas songs, and living the Christmas spirit, we can bring joy and happiness and peace to this world.”
Brother Peals who preach the gospel and power of positive thinking died on Christmas Eve 1994 at 95 years old. He gave so much to so many, a True Believer and for him an appropriate time to cross over.

Special Fellowship Monday

Liverpool Syracuse Lodge held a special fellowship Monday night with brethren and friends. Brethren brought a dish to share along with snacks and some of their best signature drinks. The drink of the evening was “COQUITO” made by brother Carlos Santiago – A great time was had by all.

Handing out fruit baskets

Every year brothers of Liverpool Syracuse #501 visits our senior brothers. This year was a special recognition of 60 years of service and support to Brother and Past Master (1977) Richard Ward.  Congratulations for your dedicated support Richard!

A Fun Time By All

Brethren of Liverpool Syracuse Masonic Lodge aid Liverpool American Legion Post 188 at the annual village tree lighting and festivity in Johnson Park.